Pretty Little Liars is American teen drama television series based on the book series of the same name. The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. This series set in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania. The series follows the lives of four best friends Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Emily who reunited after their best friend Alison goes missing to be discovered. They also received an anonymous messaged from “A” foe who threatens to reveal their darkest secrets.
This series now waiting for new season series (Season 4), maybe when you watch this series you’ll remember our “sinetron” but minus “zoom scene (?)” and others. :| From the first episode I become addicted with this series, make you want to watch the next episode again and again. There is enough mystery in identity of A to keep you watching for more clues.
The second season of Pretty Little Liars, I had little bit disappointed. This series really never ending drama, to much accident scene and unlogical stories, but I still continued watch it until the third season. (--“)/
There’s something else besides those drama and mystery that wrapped in this series. It keeps you guessing. Definitely not the best drama show, but it has it’s moments. Its very entertaining, especially the boys cast and those girls wardrobe. I’d give this show a 7 out of 10.
Here I give you some photo about this series. ;)
The boys cast |
Spencer, Hanna, Emily, Aria |
Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily |
4 komentar
tumben pake bhs inggris hihihi
ReplyDeleteBelepotan ya? :|
ReplyDeletewaaaahhh... kayaknya perlu aku tonton juga nih!
ReplyDeleteWah, ngga deh, ngajarin boong soalnya, hahaha