
[Song] Owl City- Vanilla Twilight

By Lindaleenk - Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tema lagu minggu ini adalah Vanilla Twilight dari Owl City, pertama kali mendengar lagu ini dari radio.
Cari youtube-nya dan makin jatuh cinta sama lagu ini. *masukin ke playlist*
Oh well, saya memang orang yang terlalu mudah jatuh cinta dengan lagu yang MV-nya cantik.
Apalagi ada adegan si cowok yang memainkan piano dan bikin jadi makin meleleh ga berhenti muter lagu ini seharian, oke ini mulai lebay. :))
Berfikir untuk mengaktifkan akun 4shared supaya bisa sekalian share mp3-nya, eh tapi masih boleh ga sih berbagi mp3 gitu? :/

My favorite lyric is:
I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here
Enjoy the song..

"Vanilla Twilight"

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
'Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when
I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight...)

I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear:
"Oh darling, I wish you were here"

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6 komentar

  1. aih penasaran abis sama si Owl City ini. Dua tahunan lalu temen getol banget promoin si Owl City tapi sampe sekarang belom kesampean buat liat ato denger. Hehehe. Maklum, kepentok paket data. hahaha *mental pembajak.
    Ntar cari ah di youtube..

  2. lagu-lagu dia lumayan enak sih :D
    *padahal baru dengerin dua lagu*

  3. sepertinya baru disini saya dengar lagu ini disini,
    maklum emak-emak kurang gaul :)

  4. Aku punya CD nya lho, lagu nya juara2. enak banget buat nemenin tidur kalo menurut gw

  5. @cumi
    kalau tidur harus tenang tanpa suara :P
    jadi ndengerin ini ya cuman pas lagi kerja aja =))

  6. owl city lagunya bagus semua,I'm a fans of him toom
    saranin denger embers atau dementia juga

    alice- saya pake anonymus soalnya repot kl mw linking lagi wkkk
    silakan visit blogku juga walau isinya ga jelas banget n jrg aktif
